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短线 “葵花宝典”
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   江恩论述六边形的手稿           ★★★
作者:未知    文章来源:转载    点击数:    更新时间:2006-5-12  收费阅览:0 萃富币    

   【欢迎您参与盘中即时聊股】 【我要发表评论 【字体:

Since everything moves in a circle and nothing moves in straight lines,
this chart is to show you how the angles influence stocks at very low
levels and very high levels and why stocks move faster the higher they
get, because they have moved out to w假牙 the distance between the
angles of 45 are so far apart that t假牙 is nothing to stop them and
their moves are naturally rapid up and down.


We begin with a circle of “1” , yet the circle is 360* just the
same . We then place a circle of circles around this circle and six
circles complete the second circle , making a gain of 6 over the first
one , ending the second circle at 7, making 7 on this angle ,a very
important month, year , and week as well as days , the seventh day
being sacred and a day of rest .

在六边形里最开始的位置是 1

The third circle is completed at 19 . The fourth circle around is
completed at 37 – a gain of 18 over the previous circle . The fifth
circle is completed at 61 , a gain of 24 over the previous circle . The
sixth circle is completed at 91 , a gain of 30 over the previous circle
,and the seventh circle at 127 , a gain of 36 over the last circle .

第三个循环结束在19, 第四个循环结束在37

Note that from the first the gain is 6 each time we go around . In
other words, when we have traveled six times around we have gained 36 .


Note that this completes the first Hexagon and as this equals 127
months , shows why some campaigns will run 10 years and seven months ,
or until they reach a square of the Hexagon ,or the important last
angle of 45* .


The eighth circle around is completed at 169 , a gain of 42 over the
first .This is a very important angle and an important time factor for
more reasons than one . It is 14 years and one month , or double our
cycle of 7 years . Important tops and bottoms culminate at this angle
as you will see by going over your charts .

。(我的注释:169为13的平方 )

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